About Tony’s Bologna

 You may be wondering…

“Who the hell is Tony and what is this bologna he speaks of?”

Good question.

The secret’s out – I’m Tony and this is my blog Tony’s Bologna.

So before we get any further, I want to sincerely thank you for stopping by!

You can’t see me but trust me – I’m happier than a cookie who escaped fat camp
that you’re here.

Now that’s happy.

I started this website a couple of years ago simply as a way to express myself in a medium that I liked – writing !

For one reason or another I kept writing – you see I really like words – they make you think and I don’t claim to be no Harry Houdini but when you weave together the perfect sentence – magic happens.

I focus on two topics: satire and personal development.

I try to share advice that I think is useful and poke fun at the doldrums of reality.

All in all most people follow me for my honest humor and my I-don’t-believe-in-taking-the-crust-off-the-bread personality. 

So now that we’ve spent the past 10 seconds together I only have one request.

Simply read, laugh and enjoy!

If you’re feeling particularly brave, leave a comment – I’ll respond.

– Tony


Also – Want to read my book?

Here you go!

451 thoughts on “About Tony’s Bologna

      1. Hi Tony,

        I liked your style of writing.
        I will read your blog and have pleasure.
        Finally take my love that you liked my blog too. It means a lot to me, because I am just landed in this excellent platform of writing blog.

  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog concerning the Bill Gates misguided thoughts, thinking a world vaccine will save the world. Strange! Vaccine injected persons die yearly of seasonal flu.

  2. Hi, love your perspective. I’m trying to get a post series started on my blog, something along the lines of getting to know other bloggers/writers over the internet and documenting the process. An experiment about optimizing the personal connections you can form over the internet, and the things you can learn from others views. If this is something you would be interested in, let me know! Thank you

  3. Hi! If this is about food and humor, life and jokes, then I’m in!
    Checked your music, though, none posted yet.
    But will be waiting.
    Until your next serving…

  4. I love bologna and I have a satirical side that I must keep chained up or someone’s going to get hurt. So I enjoy the premise of your blog completely.

  5. Some how I found my way here from the atozchallenge, however it doesn’t appear that you took that challenge. Question #1 Why not? I like the way you think and everyone needs some honest, satirical, observations. I think so anyways. Question #2 … how do you find time to respond to every single comment? I spent the whole month reading and commenting on other blogs, now I have to spend the next month going back to respond to everyone so they don’t think I’m a snob. I’m really not. Anyhoot, I just wanted to comment to see if you really do respond. Ha ha.
    Have a great day!

    1. Hey! Thanks for stopping by! So I actually don’t know what the AtoZchalkange is but I’d like to find out.

      I try to respond to comments like once a day! I know as a writer it makes me happy when someone takes the time to read my work and comment so I try to return the favor.

      Thanks again for stopping by!

  6. Thanks, TB, for your Like on my blog. I’ve been told that much of life is B, so you’re right on target here. Carry on!

  7. Hey Anthony, I wanted to reach out as I’ve secretly loved reading your blog for a couple of months now, ever since I found you out after noticing you reading mine! Do you have a post or resource as to your journey in terms of how you grew your community without losing authenticity or the light that makes you you? Did it emerge organically (for ex., as it did for me), and how did you sustain its “organicness” as your platform grew? Thanks in advance!!

    1. Hey Prajna – thanks so much for stopping by and the kind words.

      Basically all I do (and rather poorly) is just interact with other writers. I like and comment on other people’s posts and then they find mine.

      Also i just try to write mainly what interests me or what I respond emotionally to to get my voice. Most of my short stories are born out of a small observation I thought was funny and I just wanted to express it

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